Entering Digital Images

We strive to present your digital competition entries in the best way we possibly can. There are a few important rules, though, which are listed here. Following these rules will help ensure that we can do your images justice and maximise your chances of success.


  1. All images entered must be entirely the work of the author.
  2. Digital entries may be submitted on CD, via e-mail or, where the facility is expressly provided, by uploading directly to this website.
  3. The maximum dimensions for your image are detailed in the description of the specific competition.
  4. Images must be submitted in JPEG format (with a .jpg or .jpeg extension) only.
  5. You are advised to ensure that your images fit those maximum dimensions exactly to avoid any issues with scaling by our competition software. The society will accept no responsibility for incorrect presentation of your images due to improper sizing.
  6. Your image can include a border of your chosen size and colour in order to achieve the desired overall size.
  7. We recommend that your images are saved using the sRGB colour space, to aid colour consistency. The society will accept no responsibility for incorrect presentation of your images due to improper colour management.
  8. Please name your image files with the image title using correctly-cased text with only letters, numbers or spaces.
  9. If submitting by CD, please write your name and membership number on the upper surface.
  10. If submitting by e-mail, please provide your name and membership number in the body.
  11. In accordance with the aims of the Society, members are expected to show only work which reflects current abilities.
  12. An image may ONLY be entered in one format, i.e. if an image was originally entered as a print, it may not subsequently be entered into a digital competition.
  13. An image may be entered in ONE Merit Competition and ONE other Annual Award in whichever order the entrant may choose, and may also be entered in the Set Subject competition provided that this is the first competition entered with that image. The entry may be used over two consecutive seasons.
  14. The competition secretaries are empowered to reject any entry which, in their opinion, does not comply with the Society’s aims and the competition rules.

Natural History Competition (Digital)

This competition accepts digital images.

The maximum size of an image allowed is 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high.